
Generic Name : Mannitol

TradeName : Osmitrol

Why it is prescribed (Indications) : It increases urine production and acts as a diuretic.It is used in the treatment of encephalitis,glaucoma,and kidney failure along with other drugs.

When it is to be taken : The treatment must be monitored by a doctor,the dose and duration is determined by the condition and the response.

How it should be taken
: The drug is given intravenously.If small particles are seen.the soltion must be filtered. If crystals have formed,they must be dissolved before administration.

Special Instruction
It is important to monitor the eloctrolyte-balance and renal function carefully.
The doctor must be informed about other medications being taken.
To be used with caution in renal and hepatic impairment,cardiac disease,pregnancy and lactation.

Side Effects :
Nausea,vomiting,rhinirtis,local pain,chills,dizziness,urticaria.angina-like pain.

Other Precautions :
Contraindicated in hypersensitivity.

Storage Conditions :
Store at room temperature away from light.

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