
Generic Name : Bethanechol

TradeName : Anafortan, Spasmindon INJ, Urispas, Urotonine, Duvoid, Myotonachol, Urecholine

Why it is prescribed
(Indications) : Bethanechol is used to relieve difficulties in urinating caused by surgery, drugs, or other factors.

When it is to be taken :
1. Bethanechol is usually taken two to four times a day.
2. Follow the instructions on your prescription label carefully.
3. Bethanechol is usually taken at evenly spaced intervals during the day.
4. Bethanechol begins to work within 30 to 90 minutes, and its effects can last up to six hours.

How it should be taken :
1. Bethanechol comes in the form of tablets.
2. Your prescription label tells you the amount to be taken at each dose.

Special Instruction :
Keep all appointments with your doctor. Your doctor will want to monitor the way your body responds to this medication and may need to adjust your dosage.

Side Effects :
. If nausea and vomiting persist, take bethanechol on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or two hours after meals.
2. Shortness of breath, fainting, slow heart rate are rare. Contact your doctor immediately.

Other Precautions :
1. If you have asthma, a bladder infection, epilepsy, high blood pressure, heart disease, an overactive thyroid gland, or ulcers, tell your doctor.
2. Bethanechol should not be taken if you are already taking certain drugs.
3. Before you begin to take it, tell your doctor what prescription and nonprescription drugs you are using, especially procainamide, quinidine, and medications for colds or nasal congestion. I
4. If you are pregnant, intend to become pregnant, or breast-feeding, consult your doctor before taking bethanechol.
5. Bethanechol can affect certain blood test results. Remind your doctor that you are taking this medication before any blood tests are ordered.

Storage Conditions :
Keep this medication in the container it came in and out of the reach of children. Store it at room temperature.

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