
Generic Name : Doxorubicin

TradeName : Adriamycin, Adrim, Adrosal, Dobixin, Doxobin, Doxomed, Doxorubicin, Doxorubicin meiji, Oncodria, Rubinat, Tevadox

Why it is prescribed (Indications) : They are used in the treatment of various cancers to slow or stop the growth of cancer cells. A combination of different types of cancer drugs will often be used to achieve better results and minimize side effects. Doxorubicin is used alone and in combination with other drugs for treatment of tumors. The effectiveness of treatment can be seen by decrease in size or spread of malignancies in solid tumors, or improvement of hematologic status in leukemias.

When it is to be taken : The purpose of chemotherapy is to control your illness so that your own body can aid in your recovery. It is important to build up your body's defense system, and a balanced diet is needed to build a healthy body. Ask your doctor for advice on your diet.

How it should be taken
: Doxorubicin is given intravenously. It is given alone or with other drugs. Dose for adults is 60-75 mg once in 21 days or 30 mg daily for 3 days every four weeks.

Special Instruction :
1. It should not be given if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
2. If there is liver impairment, dosage must be reduced, and if you have had previous radiation, your skin may be aggravated at the site.
3. Do not receive any vaccinations without discussing with your doctor.
4. This is a potent medication. Use it exactly as prescribed.
5. Tell your doctor or nurse immediately if you experience pain, burning or redness at the place where injected.
6. Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, drink plenty of fluids while taking this medication. This helps your kidneys to remove the drug from your body and avoid some of the side effects.
7. Do not stop taking this medication, even if you feel nauseated or experience vomiting.

Side Effects :
1. This drug causes additive bone marrow depression in combination with other cancer treatments and radiation.
2. Hair loss is possible.
3. The drug can make your urine appear red for 1-2 days.
4. Risk of mouth inflammation is greatest 5-10 days after treatment and usually lasts 3-7 days.
5. Notify your doctor promptly if you have fever, sore throat, signs of infection, bleeding gums, bruising, blood in stools or urine, and increased fatigue.
6. Notify your doctor immediately if you have irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, or swelling of legs.
7. Tell your doctor if you get a skin irritation at the site of previous radiation therapy.

Other Precautions :

1. Avoid crowds and persons with known infections.
2. Use a soft toothbrush and electric razor and avoid falls.
3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs containing aspirin because these can cause gastric bleeding.
4. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after eating and drinking.
5. Practice contraception during treatment and for at least 4 months after therapy is concluded.
6. This medication must not be used by women who are or may become pregnant or while nursing.
7. Because this medication can affect the production of sperm in men, a reliable form of birth control is recommended while taking this medication.
8. Tell your doctor if you have pre-existing blood disorders, liver disease or heart disease.
9. Tell your doctor of any over-the-counter or prescription medication you may take.

Storage Conditions :
Store powder at room temperature.

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