Amylase : labtest

Why Get Tested?
To diagnose and monitor pancreatitis or other pancreatic diseases
When to Get Tested?
When you have symptoms of a pancreatic disorder, such as severe abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, or nausea
Sample Required?
A blood sample drawn from a vein in the arm; sometimes a 24-hour urine sample or a sample of peritoneal fluid

How is it used?
The blood amylase test is ordered, often along with a lipase test, to help diagnose and monitor acute or chronic pancreatitis and other disorders that may involve the pancreas. A urine amylase test may also be ordered. Typically, its level will mirror blood amylase concentrations, but both the rise and fall will occur later. Sometimes a urine creatinine clearance may be ordered along with the urine amylase to help evaluate kidney function since decreased kidney function can result in a slower rate of amylase clearance. In certain cases, an amylase test may be performed on peritoneal fluid to help make a diagnosis of pancreatitis.
Amylase tests are sometimes used to monitor treatment of cancers involving the pancreas and after the removal of gallstones that have caused gallbladder attacks.

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