ACT :labtest

Why Get Tested?
To monitor heparin and other anticoagulation when undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass, coronary angioplasty, and dialysis
When to Get Tested?
When you are receiving high dose heparin to prevent clotting during surgical procedures such as a cardiopulmonary bypass; when heparin levels are too high to allow monitoring with a PTT test and/or when a rapid result is necessary to monitor treatment
Sample Required?
A blood sample drawn from a vein in your arm

How is it used?
The ACT test is used to monitor the effect of high dose heparin before, during, and shortly after surgeries that require intense anticoagulation measures, such as cardiac bypass surgery, cardiac angioplasty, and dialysis. It is ordered in situations where the PTT test is not clinically useful or takes too long. The ACT is sometimes used, along with the prothrombin time (PT) to help determine whether a bleeding episode is due to excessive anticoagulation or to depletion of coagulation factors.

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