Daily Aspirin May Cut Bowel Cancer Risk

According to a study by Oxford University published in the Lancet, taking an aspirin daily may cut certain bowel cancer cases by a quarter and deaths by more than a third in a review of 14,000 patients.Aspirins are already widely used to help protect people against strokes and heart problems, although many healthy middle-aged people do not take them because of the risk of side-effects.They followed up four study groups over a period of 20 years to identify the impact of regular small doses of of the drug - the tablets given for medical reasons are often a quarter of a strength of those used to treat headaches.

"To date, for healthy middle-aged people it has been a fine balance as to whether to take aspirins, but this tips it in my view."There is a small benefit for vascular disease and now we know a big benefit for this cancer. In the future, I am sure it will be shown that aspirin helps prevent other cancers too."

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