Anxiety Disorder: Know which category you fall

Anxiety is very much normal in everyday life. It can take place anywhere anytime. Situations when we worry, feel tensed, scared, under pressure, stressed results into anxiety. It is a generalized that can take place in an identifiable stimulus in any mood condition. It’s a normal body response to any danger which automatically goes off when we feel threatened.
Another view about anxiety is “a future-oriented mood state in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events”. It isn’t always a bad thing because sometimes it helps to stay alert and focused. But when anxiety becomes excessive and interferes in your day-to-day activities than it is classified under anxiety disorder.
There are many types of anxiety disorder. Some of them are listed below:
Phobia: It is a type of disorder which could be characterized when we have an overwhelming fear from something that does not exist or is not an immediate fear. These types of fear are very much genuine but when it is excessive it can be cause of embarrassment.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): The person who suffers from this kind of disorder uses ritualistic and repeated behaviors to rid themselves of obsessive thoughts and anxieties.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): It is a psychiatric illness that can cause after a traumatic event in which there is a threat of injury or death to you or someone else. Re-living the events through nightmares and flashback are common.
Social anxiety: A person who feels extremely conscious and afraid in social situations like watched by peoples, meeting new people, going party, public specking, eating etc. it tend to make that person fearful of social situation in which they may be the subjects of scrutiny.
Panic disorders: It is characterized by intense physical symptoms and sudden overpowering feelings of terror. It is a normal alarm reaction magnified and happens when there is no anger around. People often think they are going to die when encounter this attack. It can last from minutes to hours.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): This is a common condition where the person faces unspecified worry about everything around his. The person may eventually experience insomnia muscle tension and irritability.
A person may suffer more than one anxiety disorder at the same time.

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