
Generic Name : Erythropoietin

: Ceriton,Epox,Eprex,Hemax,Shanpoietin,

Why it is prescribed
(Indications) : It stimulates the synthesis of cellular hemoglobin,and is used in the management of
1.Anemia due to chronic renal failure
2.Anemia related to use of anti Hiv drug Zidovudine
3.Cancer chemotherapy related anemia
It is also used to increase the yeild of autologous blood.

When it is to be taken
: It is generally given 3 times a week.The dosage is then increased and adjusted according to the response.

How it should be taken : It is available as injections which are given sub-cutaneously or intra-venously.

Special Instruction :
It is to be used with caution
1.during pregnancy and lactation
2.In patients undergoing dialysis
3.In patients with hypertension or liver dysfunction.

Side Effects :
Hypertension,symptoms of influenza,skin allergies,muscle pain.Rarely, dangerous symptoms like seizures and thrombosis may occur.

Other Precautions :
Contraindicated in uncontrolled hypertension and in hypersensitivity to human albumen.

Storage Conditions :
To be stored under refridgeration.

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